Space Debris Detection
Environmental and safety concerns over lost structures and debris randomly orbiting the Earth have prompted the creation of the Clean Space policy.
Synopsis Planet aims to detect and calculate the orbit of debris observed by the satellite's cameras to enhance spacecraft security, improve the debris catalogue and space safety for manned missions.
How We Can Support You
We develop algorithms for star identification, streak detection, space debris attitude determination and photometric analysis of streaks.
We perform Initial Orbit Detection (IOD) using modified Gooding algorithms.
We aim to collaborate with the space safety industry.
Our Publications
J. Filho, P.M.R. Duarte, P. Gordo, N. Peixinho, R. Melicio, D. Valério, R. Gafeira, Space Surveillance Payload Camera Breadboard: Star Tracking and Debris Detection Algorithms, Advances in Space Research. (2023)., J.; Gordo, P.; Peixinho, N.; Melicio, R.; Gafeira, R., "Payload Camera Breadboard for Space Surveillance—Part I: Breadboard Design and Implementation", Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 3682.